Create a new fumadocs project from sketch.
Create a new Next.js application with create-next-app
, and install required packages.
npm pnpm yarn bun
npm install fumadocs-ui fumadocs-core
You can choose a content source you prefer.
There is a list of supported sources:
You have to configure the library correctly following their setup guide before continuing.
Wrap the entire application inside Root Provider .
import { RootProvider } from 'fumadocs-ui/provider' ;
import type { ReactNode } from 'react' ;
export default function RootLayout ({ children } : { children : ReactNode }) {
return (
< html lang = "en" >
< body >
< RootProvider > { children } </ RootProvider >
</ body >
</ html >
) ;
Vanilla Tailwind CSS
Import the pre-built stylesheet in the root layout.
import 'fumadocs-ui/style.css' ;
It doesn't come with a default font, you may choose one from next/font
Create a new catch-all route /app/docs/[[..slugs]]
for our docs, and give it a proper layout.
import { DocsLayout } from 'fumadocs-ui/layout' ;
import { pageTree } from '@/app/source' ;
import type { ReactNode } from 'react' ;
export default function RootDocsLayout ({ children } : { children : ReactNode }) {
return (
< DocsLayout tree = { pageTree } nav = {{ title : 'My App' }} >
{ children }
</ DocsLayout >
) ;
refers to Page Tree, it should be provided by your content source.
For the page.tsx
, it may vary depending on your source. You should configure static rendering with generateStaticParams
and metadata with generateMetadata
Wrap your content in the Page component.
Fumadocs MDX Contentlayer
app/docs/[[...slug]]/page.tsx import { getPage , getPages } from '@/app/source' ;
import type { Metadata } from 'next' ;
import { DocsPage , DocsBody } from 'fumadocs-ui/page' ;
import { notFound } from 'next/navigation' ;
export default async function Page ({
params ,
} : {
params : { slug ?: string [] };
}) {
const page = getPage (params . slug) ;
if (page == null ) {
notFound () ;
const MDX = page . data . exports . default ;
return (
< DocsPage toc = { page . data . exports . toc } >
< DocsBody >
< h1 > { page . data . title } </ h1 >
< MDX />
</ DocsBody >
</ DocsPage >
) ;
export async function generateStaticParams () {
return getPages () . map ( ( page ) => ( {
slug : page . slugs ,
} )) ;
export function generateMetadata ({ params } : { params : { slug ?: string [] } }) {
const page = getPage (params . slug) ;
if (page == null ) notFound () ;
return {
title : page . data . title ,
description : page . data . description ,
} satisfies Metadata ;
Use the default document search based on Flexsearch.
Fumadocs MDX Contentlayer
import { getPages } from '@/app/source' ;
import { createSearchAPI } from 'fumadocs-core/search/server' ;
export const { GET } = createSearchAPI ( 'advanced' , {
indexes : getPages () . map ( ( page ) => ( {
title : page . data . title ,
structuredData : page . data . exports . structuredData ,
id : page . url ,
url : page . url ,
} )) ,
} ) ;
Learn more about Document Search .
You can start the dev server and start writing content.